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Timesheets 101

Writer: Yvonne GrantYvonne Grant

Updated: Apr 5, 2022

Please find information on Timesheets Below:

Payroll Periods & the Payroll Cycle

  • A payroll period covers 14 calendar days beginning on a Monday and ending the second Sunday.

  • Payroll is processed at the project office three days after the end of the payroll period.

  • Payment is made via direct deposit the Friday after the end of the payroll period.

Receiving & Completing the Time & Attendance Reports

  • Participants will be emailed a Timesheet by the IPDC SCSEP office at the beginning of each quarter.

    • Note: For the next two pay periods I will send out one Timesheet at a time

  • You are responsible for accurately and honestly recording the hours you participated in alternate training.

  • Timesheets must be completed in blue or black ink only and never in pencil.

  • After all hours have been trained in the pay period and recorded on the Timesheet, participants will sign and date the report on the last day of the pay period.

    • ***IMPORTANT: Timesheets must never be signed and dated prior to the last day trained.

    • ***IMPORTANT: Timesheets are not to be pre-populated with hours prior to the date they were actually trained.

  • You must indicate the start and end times of your training and lunch times.

  • If a participant trains over five hours you must take a minimum of a half-hour unpaid break.

    • The break start and end times must also be documented on the timesheet.

Correcting Errors on the Time & Attendance Reports

  • If an error is made on a Timesheet prior to submitting it, corrections should be made by drawing a single line through the error, writing your initials and indicating the correct information.

  • You must also write a brief explanation for the change in the notes section at the bottom of the timesheet.

  • Correction fluid (“white-out”) should never be used to correct time sheets.

Submitting the Time & Attendance Reports

  • Participants should pay close attention to the payroll schedule in order to make sure Timesheets are completed, signed and turned in on time.

  • Timesheets must be turned in to the IPDC SCSEP office as soon as possible after the last day of the pay period to avoid processing delays.

  • All timesheets include the due date for submission

  • You may submit timesheets in the following ways:

    • Email a picture or scan of your timesheet to

    • Turn them in person at 14500 Roscoe Blvd. 4th Floor, Panorama City, CA 91402

      • We are working in getting a fax number set up

    • At the end of the month, you will be required to turn in the original copy of all timesheets for the month in person or by mail.

      • Please address mail to:


14500 Roscoe Blvd. 4th Floor

Panorama City, CA 91402



Call us today: 1-818-714-2022

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© 2024 SCSEP  |  Created by LA Web Design

The IPDC SCSEP program is supported by the U.S. Department of Labor. A total of $1,599,964, or 90 percent, of the program is financed with federal funds, and $177,774, or 10 percent, is financed by non-federal sources.

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